Psalm 107:1,2

In Psalm 107:1,2 the Psalmist says this,

”Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the adversary.”

On Tuesday, May 8, Sarah and I along with Ernie and Diane Neels attended the Metro Maryland Youth for Christ banquet at Martin’s West Banquet Hall.  It was an enjoyable evening which had as its speaker former First Lady Laura Bush and the Sozo Children’s choir from Uganda.  Laura Bush spoke of the importance of ministries like Youth for Christ reaching out to our young people with the Gospel of Christ.  Laura also spoke of the recent loss of her mother-in-law Barbara Bush and also the Rev. Billy Graham who had such a profound impact on her husband, George W. Bush.  There were also a number of young people form various high schools in Baltimore, Anne Arundel, and Howard Counties which gave their testimony about how they started coming to the Youth for Christ meetings as non-Christians who were somewhat nervous and curious when they came to the first meeting of Youth for Christ.  In time they came to believe the Gospel and have struggled with hard issues from their past. I was proud of them for their courage to stand before a large crowd of people that they didn’t know and speak of the Lord’s grace in rescuing them from their sin and from the ever-present spiritual dangers that our young people face today.  I was especially thankful for their participation in Youth for Christ and their involvement in local churches. The testimonies of these young people are an application of the Psalmist words that the redeemed people of God must give thanks to the LORD and tell of how God has redeemed us from hand of the adversary.  There always has been and will be much resistance to God’s work in our lives as the world, the flesh, and the devil will seek to impede God’s purposes.  This struggle continues throughout our lives yet by God’s strength and support by our words and actions we can give thanks and acclaim God’s mercy in our lives. Continue to keep in our prayers the ministry of Metro Maryland Youth for Christ and their outreach with the Gospel of Christ.


Pastor Cedric R. Benner